We are supposed to recommit to the quest for political power and conservative territory in the empire. By the time this is finished (it reminds me a bit of the abusive use of shock and withdrawal in order to engender gratitude or trust from a victim) we are supposed to be grateful for the pure kind of sex that absolutely separates us from them, the righteous from the unrighteous, the clean from the dirty, the favored from the condemned, the human from the sub-human. (In fact, all the descriptions of heterosexual sex are generalized and neutered: "a husband and wife uniting with each other as God and nature designed it" etc.) Thabiti is all adjectives and emphasis around these supposedly gag-inducing words and phrases, and the literary glee at producing the desired disgust is palpable. This, he reasons, will put the conversation back where it belongs - into the realm of "gut-wrenching, jaw-clenching, hand-over-your-mouth, 'I feel dirty' moral outrage." He accomplishes this, of course, with a graphic description of what he thinks gay sex is - a description which, as my friend Micah pointed out, would be equally uncomfortable to read on a Christian blog if applied to any kind of sex, including heterosexual sex. The real tragedy of Anyabwile's thesis is, in fact, the outright dehumanization he encourages in the form of disgust for gay sex. It is excessively gleeful in the gagging. It's not biblical because "love does no harm, and homosexuality clearly harms everyone involved" - thus, the gay person's experience of love for their partner is less than human love and universally harmful! Finally, he calls us to return everything to the most dehumanizing place of all - the yuck factor, "in all its gag-inducing truth." The gay person must be sufficiently stripped of humanity here, and relationship must be scrupulously avoided, in order to properly maintain and regain conservative power in the U.S.ģ. And, he blithely (and with false humility) dismisses gay people's definition of love. has very similar usage to the phrases 'please kill me' or 'oh just shoot me. The definition of spoon is: a piece of cutlery with a shallow bowl-shaped container and a handle used to stir or serve.
This decade saw the advent of MTV, Valley Girl culture, and TV hits like the Simpsons of course it’s vernacular was going to explode. short for gag me with a spoon, this is a phrase usually uttered when one is annoyed, pissed, etc. Thus, Thabiti urges us to reject the "rights argument" because, of course, this has nothing to do with rights (even though the people in question feel, deeply and experientially, that it has everything to do with rights). From the election of Ronald Reagan to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the 80’s (AKA the Eighties) was an era of popularizing slang.

The only way anyone can even have these conversations is to assume that the people in question are not actual people but ideological constructs to knock down. At its root, this politicized, power-driven opposition to gay marriage is a dehumanization of gay people. It is all about arguments, definitions, and factors. We have lots of oil companies, yet gas is basically the same price everywhere and increased, as though in lockstep, all together.2. Īll together now: “Gag me with a spoon! Grody to the max!” īut they began with an idea, and they put it all together using a blend of common sense, business smarts and even by being willing to take a punt. If you’re craving more 80’s vibes, give this playlist a listen and maybe check this Pinterest board out. I hope you feel totally tubular and are ready to show off your newly decorated vocab. The current system, however, did help bring it all together. Alright, alright, alright Those are 29 radical 80’s slangs we need to bring back, though there are many, more. Īnd here are a few examples where the two-word all together is more fitting: With many yachtsmen abandoning the region altogether, industries dependent on the routes are being devastated. Obama’s planned trips have been delayed, altered, shifted, shrunk and even canceled altogether as domestic politics forced him to stay at home. Īltogether, I have 15 pairs in assorted colours and styles-an eye-watering financial outlay. As we enter the new legislative session, our state faces challenges that are daunting, yet not altogether impossible.